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  3. Approving a Proposed Event

Approving a Proposed Event

Once an event host adopts an idea the business will get a notification in their registered notification e-mail address and a notification will appear on the news feed for their Konnectclub business account. Until an event is approved it is in the proposed stage and it will not be visible to the general public. 

A business can go to the proposed event page by clicking on the notification from their news feed or on the “view event” link of their notification e-mail. 


Approving/Rejecting an Event 

1. An event in the proposed stage allows a business to work out more details with the proposer such as,

  1. Alternate day/time
  2. Alternate locations (For e.g. if a business has several locations)
  3. Add on Offers (For e.g. a boat tour event may have an insurance, an escape room may have multiple rooms to choose from)
  4. Multiple Options (For e.g. a restaurant may offer gluten free vs. non-gluten free options at different price points)

2. If you have additional questions for the proposer you can send a message to them via the Konnectclub platform.    

3. When you need to reject a proposal you can do so by clicking on the reject option of the event page. Reasons to reject a proposal vary and are unique to each business. Some possible reasons to reject a proposal may be due to the date and time being unavailable, location being closed or it does not conform to the terms and conditions mentioned in the event idea. 


Updated on October 11, 2021

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